Monday, November 15, 2010

Toddler 1 Class Picture

Here I am 22 months and counting!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wiped Out!

Daddy didn't even get the Jeep in reverse and I was out for the ride home! Using my Snow Leopard for a pillow. :)

Binders 3

They had a cool Dinosaur, it was bigger then my Daddy!

Binders animals

More animals. I cried when we left the Snow Leopards.

AFRICA @ Binders

At Binders we went to AFRICA, it was hot too!

Binders Zoo Battle Creek Mi

Mommy and Daddy found a cool Zoo in Battle Creek, it's called Binders Park Zoo. It was cool. I fed the Giraffes. I threw a piece of lettuce to the little baby Giraffe.

Detroit Zoo 2010 II

More animals.

Detroit Zoo 2010

Mommy, Auntie Cathy, Olivia and I went to the Detroit Zoo back in June.

Reading my books

I have a favorite spot for reading my books!

Calia's 3rd birthday party

Here are some candid's from my cousin Calia's 3rd birthday party. Just so everyone knows I was saying " Get me out of this stupid thing" I am still too little for the bounce house.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

It's been a while

Well it has been a while since daddy posted some pictures. It's because he is too busy chasing me around. But here is a quick shot from last night at Olivia's 3rd birthday. Love Ya! Sophie

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dancing Girl!

I love dancing! Dad don't like me dancing on a pole though! :)

At the beach!

We went to the beach while the guys stayed back at camp and shot rifles at targets. Dad did pretty good from 100 yards out since dad don't like guns. Look how pretty Lake Huron is, COLD TOO!

Grandpa & Grammie

I love them so much! Grammie had to give me a time out Saturday, Sorry Grammie. Grampa got me a crown from BK! Grammie watch Calia and I while we colored. Three Generations of girls!

more camping

9:00 am Sunday morning and look at my knees. Sorry I was crying Aunt Kathy.