Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter part 2, what a mess!

Well on Easter Sunday things started out good. We went to church, I sassed a bit but all in all I was good. Then when we got home and my Aunts and Uncles were coming over. Suddenly mommy got real sick. Then about 5 hours later dad got real sick. But here are a few picture of my church dress.

Just some cute pics

Just a few shots mom took of me a couple weeks ago. It was nice out so mom put me in a spring dress.

Monday, April 6, 2009

I'm a little Angel

Here are the rest of my EASTER dress pictures. I look so "Angelic"

Early EASTER at Grammie & Grampa's house

Here I am in my EASTER dress at Grammie & Grampa's House. I look so cute, don't I? You can see what all day of being loved on and pictures being snapped can do to a little girl.

3 Months

Here is our family, 3 months later! Mom and Dad don't look TOO stressed! :)

New Toy

I'm in my new toy, the exersaucer. It has a lot of stuff on it! I dont know if I quite like it yet.

Hot Mess!

This is what "DRINKING" milk does to you! I'm one HOT MESS!!